Dual Credit
Lebanon Trail’s Dual Credit program allows students to earn both high school and college credits for some of their classes.
Classes that use the dual credit system can be found on the Frisco ISD Course Catalog. Additionally, under the counselor’s tab on the LTHS website, there is a green button leading to the dual credit information for our campus.
Admission requirements include completing the Texas Success Initiative Examination (TSI) and getting approval from your counselor. To apply, fill out the form at bit.ly/FRISCODUALCREDITFALL19 and print two copies. Bring both to your counselor, and they’ll instruct you on what to do with each.
If you’re interested in Health Science Clinical, Collin CNA (interest only-outside of the school day), EKG, EMT, CISCO, Baking & Pastry, or Advanced Culinary Arts, the CTE center is having a meeting on Monday, April 1st. The meeting will be held at the Collin College Preston Ridge Campus Conference Center (9700 Wade Boulevard in Frisco).
For dual credit classes, students are recommended to have an A/B average and be ready for a heavier workload. Students will have to pay for their tuition, books, and any Collin College fees associated with their classes. Transportation will not be provided, so students will need to make arrangements to get to their courses.
For more information, talk to your counselor or visit the FISD website.

Bio:Kelsey Burdick is a senior, and this is her fourth year on The Vanguard staff. As a writer, editor, and web administrator from Fall 2016 to Spring...