An all Year Kind of Sport

LTHS Golf takes on new challenges for this season. Photo Credit: LTHS Golf

For the LT golf team golf is an all year kind of sport played during both the fall and spring sport season; spring being when championships happen. Each and every year the team has thrived while finding success, going to state multiple years in a row, and even placing runner up more times than one. 


While they’ve had many experiences in the past, this year brings a different atmosphere. The current team is newer than what they’ve been before. Also the girls team only have four players meaning every point counts because they have no alternates. 


“We started out this year young”, said Coach Carmichael. “Their scores are getting to where we were last year with that team that went to state so we’re seeing steady progress from them.”


From a student perspective – “last year I had a lot more pressure off my chest, but this year we only have four girls out there who are making it, said Senior Erica Kim. 


The pressure may be on but a good player practices not only the sport but confidence and focus as well. While golf still very much is an athletic sport it tends to be more of a mind game with a higher importance on focusing on the mind rather than the body. 


“I have really bad anxiety which messes with my mind at times which makes it hard for me to play golf, but if you hit a bad shot you can’t get disappointed with yourself, you have to get over it, ” said Kim. “Play the course not your competitors.”


Senior Dylan Casey agrees and feels that “If you lose focus your whole game is gonna fall apart.” 


Everyone on the team is doing their best to give it their all, specifically the seniors who while they’ve made memories from years past, they have only one more chance at seeing how far they can go. 


“This year I’m trying to play my best and am also just trying to have fun out there,” said Kim. “I’m approaching this season as a leader and am trying to set an example for the young and upcoming Sophomores and even Freshman,” said Casey. 


At the present moment the golf team has been preparing for the spring season that’s around the corner, with the goal of winning district. “Hopefully one of these days we’ll finish it off and win [state].”