Holiday Festivities
The last week before holiday break, December 17th to December 21st, was full of festivities for Lebanon Trail. During the week, the school had themed days where students dressed for the holidays.
Monday was Holiday Movie Character Monday, where students dressed up as their favorite holiday movie character.
Tuesday was Holiday Headwear, and students wore a santa hat or antlers.
Winter Wonderland Wednesday featured holiday colors such as red and green.
On Thursday, LTHS boarded the Polar Express, wearing sleepwear for the day.
To end the week and start the break, Festive Friday was filled with ugly sweaters and fuzzy socks. Lebanon Trail’s Library hosted LTHS’ first ugly sweater contest in accordance to the theme week. Students posed in front of the selfie station in the library and submitted their picture through twitter. The hashtags used were #LTUglySweaters and #LTHSelfie. The prizes are gift cards, and there will be one winner in each grade.

“Honestly, I think it’s fun.” says Ms. Hill, LTHS Librarian. “It’s a fun way to spread holiday cheer throughout the school.”
During Megalunch LTHS Choir carolled in the rotunda, singing Deck the Hall, Up on the Housetop, 12 Days of Christmas Africa

The halls were filled with students and staff participating in the theme week and holiday festivities.

Bio:Kelsey Burdick is a senior, and this is her fourth year on The Vanguard staff. As a writer, editor, and web administrator from Fall 2016 to Spring...