More Trailblazers Getting on Good Terms with Colleges


Recently students around Lebanon Trail High School have been contacted by colleges and received scholarship offers for their grades and skills. This has been evident with the full scholarships awarded to Luisa Blanco-Saavedra and Audrey Davis within the past few weeks, but there have been more occurrences since then.

An anonymous student has been offered a baseball scholarship to Oklahoma Christian University as long as he continues to maintain good grades. He’s also gotten a partial scholarship offer from Dallas Baptist University and went on a tour of the campus. “I never thought it would happen,” he replied on his reaction to this. Another student was recently asked by Texas Christian University to go on a tour, and is signed up to do so. Along the way she has been researching more potential colleges to attend.

The student body of Lebanon Trail being comprised of only freshmen, and so many already gearing up for college, there may be more offers and scholarships in the near future accompanied with hard work, experience, and trailblazing on the students’ part.