Lebanon Trail’s Lexus Eco Challenge Wins National Competition


Arvind Subramanian, Avery Sinnathamby, Kylie Mannan, Wail Aldahni, and Abigail Love brought the gift of music to needy children through up cycling and recycling old instruments. Through Mrs. Church’s advising, Lebanon Trail’s Lexus Eco Team won the grand prize in the national competition. Wail Aldahni spoke on behalf of Lexus Eco Challenge and said, “Even if we didn’t win, we are proud of what we did. We didn’t just help the environment, we gave children a gift, a hope, a future.” Lexus Eco Challenge started with Watt’s Up Frisco where the students encouraged Frisco schools to reduce the amount of electricity they use. Lexus Eco partnered with Habitat for Humanity and are sending their made instruments to refugee camps and places in Mexico. The project gained recognition through many news articles, being broadcasted on national television, and being announced on KISS FM radio station. Congratulations to Lebanon Trail’s hardworking Lexus Eco Team.