On Dec. 2, Lebanon Trail held its annual club fair, which featured many of the school’s array of clubs.
Many new clubs began this year, and the students took this opportunity to advertise their clubs by talking about their mission, what they have to offer, and much more.
In order to have their club featured at the fair, club presidents had to sign up through a Google form to reserve a spot for their display boards, decorations, and supplies in the library. They put in a lot of work to make the boards look appealing so that members would be encouraged to join.
“We were able to set up our display boards, QR codes, and Remind [codes] so that people could join the club,” junior Lakshmi Ala said.
Many of the students reported having a good time at the fair and were able to join many different clubs and gain different opportunities.
“I was able to sign up for many different organizations,” junior Aditi Diwakar said. “I love seeing how passionate everyone is about their clubs and the different opportunities we get through the fair.”
In addition to the students’ dedication to their organizations, Assistant Principal Jazmyn Ford worked hard to organize the fair.
“[I met] with Ms. Hill, our librarian, to figure out her vision for the fair and to determine guidelines,” Ford said. “I shared those guidelines with the clubs, the club sponsors, and the club monitors after the guidelines were shared. I had the club communicate its intent to participate. I clarified their presentation modes so some clubs chose to have a digital presentation from their laptops or iPads while others chose the trifold.”
As opposed to the format last year, where there were club presentations spread over two days, this year, all the clubs were allowed to showcase their organizations for one day during mega lunch.
“Last year, we had 85 clubs that wanted to participate in the fair, but this year, we had 65,” Ford said. “So, instead of having the fair for two days, I decided to have it for one day because all the clubs could comfortably fit in the library.”
Although many students attended the fair, it was held much later than our usual date in the past years. Assistant principal Jazmyn Ford explains the reason for the delay in the event.
“Part of the process of applying for a club is school approval and then district approval,” Ford said. “So, if I had the club fair too early, it would be before all the people who applied for the club received district approval, so the date was pushed back this year because the district took a little bit more time than usual to approve the club due to the high volume of applicants.”
By the end of the fair, many students reported walking away with many different opportunities in hand. If you could not find the clubs you were looking forward to seeing, you can learn more about the school’s curricular organizations with this link!