First year here at Lebanon Trail and Chardae Cogshell already has stories up her sleeve (stay tuned for the rooster).
Cogshell is new to Lebanon Trail’s staff this year, and she works as a receptionist in the front office.
“There was a job fair this past summer, and actually, after looking around at the different schools, Mrs. Marshall actually stood out to me,” Cogshell said.
Cogshell moved from the state of Missouri to Texas, so she wasn’t aware of any particular schools, such as Lebanon Trail, specifically.
“Naturally, when I moved to Texas, I wanted to find something in the same vein, so I just started looking around, and after meeting Mrs. Marshall, she ended up calling me, and everything worked out,” Cogshell said.
Mrs. Cogshell monitors front door activities, such as letting students in the building and checking them out.
“When I get home, I relax by watching something on Netflix, or listening to music,” Cogshell said. “I have a karaoke machine at home,” Cogshell said.
Due to safety precautions, Cogshell believes it’s imperative that a student carries their ID with them at all times.
“We need to know that you belong here, and having your ID just makes it all the more easier for us to identify who you are,” Cogshell said.
When it comes to the safety of the students and staff, Cogshell tries to be serious, but in reality, she’s friendly, bubbly, and goofy.
“I’m outgoing, I love to talk to people, I love to make jokes, and I like that kind of stuff,” Cogshell said. “I like bringing joy into other people’s lives.”
In her spare time, she likes to sing, decorate, and bake. She’s particularly fond of anything artsy.
“With me liking to event plan, and all that, I apply it to whatever I’m doing,” Cogshell said. “So, I helped with decorating for homecoming. I didn’t do it all, but it was a team. I just pitched in where I could.”
She loves receiving goodies from the snack cart, and Cogshell believes her colleagues are very kind and friendly. She even has stories to tell her colleagues after picking up and answering office phone calls on the daily.
“A local farmer called the school and asked, ‘do you need a rooster?’” Cogshell said. “And I was like, a rooster? ‘Yes a rooster.’ He accidentally got two male roosters, so he had an extra one and wanted to know if our agricultural department would like one. So, I made a few phone calls, gave him the email to that department, and it turns out, his name is Sparkles. So, I’ve yet to meet him, but I need to meet him.”
Burch, the registrar here at Lebanon Trail, later clarified that Sparkles got traded to another FFA (Future Farmers of America) teacher and is living in a safe home.
If students have any additional questions for Cogshell, they can email her or call the school.
“Just call me, beep me, if you want to reach me,” Cogshell said.
However, her stories are first come, first serve.