On the current book ban: where does the line lie between free speech and censorship
There is no shortage of novels on the market depicting the magnitude of free speech, press, and censorship across various countries. These same novels are now under the potential to be banned at the school levels by various lobbyists arguing for censorship of certain ideologies from public school districts.
The discussion surrounding book bans has since escalated to the national level, with many senators and government representatives arguing for the elimination of certain books from the school levels.
One such prevalent novel. To Kill a Mockingbird, is multifaceted in its controversy. On one hand, some lobbyists believe that the novel does not discuss race and racial prejudice in a productive manner to actually highlight prevalent issues to students.
On another hand, some simply believe the discussion of this material in middle and elementary school levels is not appropriate. While the reasons for book bans are numerous, the simultaneous effect of large amounts of ideologies being banned or eliminated from curriculums can often serve an involuntary alter effect of creating more ignorance than protection.
Oftentimes. Such books, while not being inherently moralistic in its standing, serve the counter purpose of ensuring that the students do not actually learn the moralistic failures of the novels themselves. There are often lessons in these books that serve as a catalyst for independent thinking rather than blind following of ideologies.
Other books have been taken out of specific school settings but not banned entirely, whether it’s being taken out of elementary but being kept in middle and high school libraries, etc. Some of the selections for these books are justifiable in their attempt to squander misunderstanding at a young age, however this same logic cannot be appleid to every book on the banned books list.
Ultimately, the decision to educate children with certain books over others is prevalent, but there are various nuances in deciding which books deserve to remain ins chool curriculum, and such decisions cannot be handled quickly or lightly.

Akshitha Venkataraman is a senior at LTHS passionate about writing. In her free time, she loves reading Jane Austen novels and playing Badminton. She is...