The Federal Reserve of Dallas delivered presentation on financial topics for students

FOX 52, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The Federal Reserve of Dallas gave a presentation to students during mega lunch consisting of a variety of financial topics, including Inflation, recruitment, and career advice. The Federal Reserve of Dallas has a common goal, to enrich students and aid them in following their career paths. Students in attendance gained a variety of new skills and knowledge to guide them in the future.

Many students were interested in attending this presentation once they heard about it. Most of the students who came have a interest in financial oriented careers.

“The main reason I was intrigued by this opportunity was that I always wanted to go to business, as my mom was a business major and a lot of my upbringing centered around that and I think more specifically for finance I really like accounting and managing numbers. I just really want to work in a bank,” Junior Ananya Sharma said.

Electives give students a lot of room to explore what they want to do later in life. For some students who already have a plan they take classes related to their future careers.

“I took a lot of classes pertaining to different career paths but I feel like finance has been the only thing that really stood out to me, especially after this presentation.” Junior Rasheka Senthil Kumar said.

Students looking to go into financial careers were especially receptive to the presentation and its objectives along with the information and guidance it gave students.

“As a quasi-government organization, it’s in our mission to reach out to the district and help everyone, including high school students, to maximize their potential,’’ says Mario Gonzalez, HOLA ERG Recruit Co-Lead.

A group within the organization, HOLA, primarily focuses on Latino expertise. They spoke to students about the cruciality of higher education and even introduced the notion of a potential future career at the Dallas Reserve. Students had many takeaways from the experience.

“My biggest takeaway was a more further in depth understanding of the different career paths you can go down. And what majors u can explore. Overall im just happy to have gotten a real life example of how this works,” Sharma said.

Students can relate the ideas presented in the presentation to their own lives in the future and come to a conclusion on what they want to do going forward.

“I took a lot of classes pertaining to different career paths but I feel like finance has been the only thing that really stood out to me, especially after this presentation.” Kumar said.

Overall, the presentation provided students with clarity and background for their future endeavors, and prompted more thought over a career in finance or in the Federal Reserve itself.

 “I want to go into finance and overall these opportunities can be helpful for me to pursue, so I think I would definitely consider a career in the Federal Reserve,” Junior Rasheka Senthil Kumar said.