Universal Studios coming to Frisco: yea or nay?
Childhood treasures are hidden within the fabric of memory. They are laced with the sweet scent of sugar, the warm sensation of the sun overhead, the expansive winding paths of a park, and exhilarating roller coaster drops. All of these sensory memories are mostly found in attraction parks, such as Universal Studios, especially because they bring fantastical worlds–like the magical hallways of Hogwarts–to reality, giving people an opportunity to feel immersed in the stories they love so much.
However, Universal Studios only exists in five places across the world, two of them here in the US. Therefore, a lot of people aren’t able to go there, meaning they lose an opportunity to connect with their inner child. Los Angeles and Orlando, the two host cities for the themed park, are large metropolitan cities known for their big tourism economies and large expanses of urban life. Hence, aerial transportation to these cities is usually pricey during summer and winter, which is why large amounts of people that already live within the US, or even in neighboring countries, decide against making the trip–considering that they would not only have to pay for the highly priced airline tickets but also for a stay, rented car, and the entrance tickets to the park. Taking all of this into consideration, Universal’s board has been in discussion for a while about opening a new one somewhere else. Coincidentally, the mayor of Frisco, Texas, announced back on January 11, 2023, that they will be hosting the new Universal Studios quarters.
At the disclosure of the news, many Frisco residents immediately opinionated and speculated. According to local news, they were concerned regarding a potential increase in criminal activity and slow traffic. However, the mayor said “the anticipated traffic impact is actually less than what H-E-B does”, which quickly resolved any concerns regarding traffic. Despite this, people still claimed that the crime factor was a major con. Frisco residents, as it was explained in the Dallas Morning News, stated that crime rates in Orlando went up 198% due to the construction of the park. In response to these statistics, Major Cheney stated that because the park is going to be specifically marketed towards children, criminal activity shouldn’t be affected by its existence at all.
The opening of this park will have its consequences, that’s an inevitable result of change or reinvention. That will not be denied. However, if a cons vs pros list were to be made, the pros would definitely outweigh the cons. For instance, the inauguration of the park would open up a ton of jobs, and it could help bring down the 3.50% unemployment rate of Dallas and 2.7% rate of Frisco. Not only that, but it would also kick-start the economy of the county as well as the city. Despite what current residents say, searching for economic improvement is always a benefit, especially with a city like Frisco, which has a lot of potential. Bringing a current of tourists would not only help inn and restaurant owners, but it would also aid small business owners. Their products would be able to have a much larger flow and market—considering people from faraway places would visit the city more frequently and in larger amounts.
Consequently, people from and around Texas, or even Mexico, will find it better to travel to Frisco instead of LA or Orlando, since the differences in plane tickets between those cities and cities around Frisco will be considerable. And not only that, but people can also now come by car, since Texas is centered towards the middle of the Southern US it is closer to many more states then the coastal states of Florida and California. Therefore, people that had never been able to have access to a park before might have higher chances of attending now.
Lastly, having a park such as this, especially if it’s uniquely designed for children, will have an inevitable and welcomed impact on the current kids of Frisco. It would bring them closer to the childhood experiences that shape everyone’s favorite memories. It would also allow them to connect with their favorite fictional characters, such as Mickey, hence forever marking their childhood with an impactful and wonderful memory–one that, even as adults, they’ll cherish.
It is not deniable that change can be scary, especially when it comes to a quiet town such as Frisco, but when it comes to change that can have lasting positive effects, fear must be put aside for the greater good.

Carmen, a senior, loves to read and write books. She has enjoyed writing- especially fantasy- since she was eight, and she couldn’t wait to join Newspaper...