LTHS Color Guard performs “Tapestry” with passion and excitement
On Saturday Oct. 22, the LTHS marching band won second place for their performance of their 2022 show “Tapestries”, trailing behind Lone Star at the UIL area contest. Along with the band, was the color guard spinning their hearts out.
This season being a year with no state, area marked the end of another fast paced marching season.
“I don’t get another shot at this so why not make it great,” said Senior Ryan Webb. “I was crying, it had hit me, it was my last performance.”
“Area was one of my favorites because that’s when everything concluded and we got to see just how far our show had come,” said Sophomore Lin Howard.
While time spent spinning is not over for the year, winter guard is different from the marching band season.
During winter guard “everything is focused on us so we’re going to have to be perfect because the judges notice every single detail,” said Webb.
In addition, color guard brings more than just learning skills and tosses on rifles and flags.
“I’ve learned that I enjoy taking on roles of leadership while also understanding where I have my limits,” said Howard.
With personal learning experiences also comes growth as a team. “I loved watching the team go through experiences together and get more comfortable with each other,” said Webb.
Moving on, the drum major retreat happens at the end of every competition. The drum majors and color guard captains walk out to the field, give their saluts, then finally wait for the announcements of the standings.
“It’s almost therapeutic,” said Webb. It’s just different seeing it on the field, looking at the stands rather than being in the stands, looking at the field.”
Ultimately, the guard ended the marching season on a high note and are now gearing up for the incoming winter guard season.

Marisa Naraine is entering her second year in the newspaper as the Junior Editor. Through her high school career she developed a passion for journalism,...