Colombian culture takes the spotlight in “Encanto”
“Encanto” came out on Nov. 24, 2021 in theaters in the United States. Created by Walt Disney Animation Studios, this film features Mirabel, the protagonist who goes through an adventure to save her house and family. The movie included many different upbeat songs created by the well-known songwriter and producer Lin Manuel Miranda. However, the most eye-catching part of the movie is the inclusion of Colombian culture in every aspect of the movie.
Firstly, Colombian culture influence can be seen in the setting of the movie, from the colorful rooms of the home, to the national flower, the orchid, sewed on Isabela’s dress. All of these small details are what makes Colombian culture unique.
The protagonist, Mirabel, is part of the Madrigal family. Each member of the family is given a gift, a power that can be used to benefit the town. While Mirabel isn’t given a gift, she feels obligated to still do her part in the family. She tries to help, although her sisters often finish the job for her. Isabella, the oldest sister, is given the gift of flowers, whereas Luisa is given the gift of strength.
Everyone is joyous, although when the casita starts breaking during Antonio’s gift ceremony, the family is alarmed, including Abuela. Mirabel sees Abuela in front of the miracle candle and decides that it is her opportunity to solve the mystery behind the breaking house. With help from an unlikely friend, Mirabel realizes that she is the key towards unifying her casita, and more importantly, her familia.
Encanto features many upbeat songs including “Under the Surface,” which is about the struggles of Luisa, the older sister of Mirabel. With relatable lyrics and incredible animation, this song reflects on the hardships of a family member.
“We Don’t Talk About Bruno,” is one to sing on repeat. It features the character Bruno, and his past interactions with the various members of the family. With a catchy beat and fun lyrics, people of all ages are adding this one to their daily playlist.
Demonstrating love for family, Encanto is one of the most heartfelt Disney films. With upbeat music, relatable characters, and Colombian culture, this movie was a success.
Shreenidhi Kunta is an innovative freshman at LTHS who strives to inform and provide news for her community. When she's not writing, you may find her reading...