LTHS mural showcases school spirit and unity among diversity
There are many things that can represent LTHS: diversity, extra-curricular activities, academics, and school spirit. Students from the Fine Arts department painted a detailed, beautiful mural outside the B hall on the second floor.
This idea sprouted out of the inspiration of unity and the love for this school, according to art teacher Kristen Summers.
“We started this two years ago, and the students wanted to create and tie in all of what LT is about,” Summers said.
More than the inspiration, the effort and dedication of the students is what made this project successful.
“The students came up with everything, with the idea, [and] they did all the drawings,” Summers noted. “We had 24 students do it, though COVID hit, so we were not able to paint it.”
The mural is the school’s phrase: “Trail Blazers”. As detailed as the mural is, each letter represents something unique, not leaving a student feeling left out.
“The S is all about band, orchestra, choir,” Summers explained. “The T and B are about diversity and how we’re all unified. The R is about science and biology.”
There is so much specialty involved in it. This ongoing project from two years ago still continues.
“We had to draw it before we painted it, which took a lot of time,” Summers said. “We were looking for an essential location, where everyone could see it.”
As exemplified by the mural, many teachers, such as Summers, find much pride in LTHS and the students.
“I am so proud of it, so proud of it,” Summers said. “I cannot wait to finish it.”

Junior Steffi Sam, a writer on Vanguard News, joined the newspaper as the first step in her journey to become a social justice lawyer. She was inspired...