Humans of LT — Dr. Chong
A low rumble emanates from the closed classroom door, punctuated by sharp exclamations and laughter. Students are engaged in a lively discussion on their most recent lesson with their instructor.
Dr. Michael Chong has been working as the Medical Terminology and Health Science teacher since LTHS opened six years ago. Not only does he teach but he is also a husband and father of twins.
Having two doctorate degrees from medical and chiropractic schools, Chong teaches Medical Terminology, a demanding class.
“Medical Terminology is hard for some students because they expect the class to be easy since it’s an elective on-level class,” Chong said.
Even though it is a challenging subject for students, Chong was passionate about teaching it to his belonging class students.
“I enjoy teaching the subjects [Medical Terminology and Health Science],” Chong said. “Some chapters are better and more fun to teach.”
Not only is Chong passionate about teaching but he is also the advisor of the HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) club in LTHS.
“HOSA is a club for students interested in the health professions.” Chong said. “ We compete against other schools in the district, state, and internationally.”
In addition, being a club advisor for 113 students might seem complicated and arduous, but easier except for when competitions occur in Feb. and April, Chong said.
Being a teacher and club advisor, Chong said he learned that not all students are the same.
“[The] most important thing I learned from being a teacher is that every person is different and should be treated equally,” Chong said.
Eleanor Cho is a freshman in LTHS who is part of journalism 1 class and a staff reporter for Vanguard News. She decided to join newspaper not only with...