Pride Club: A place where students embrace their identity

LGBTQ+ students at LTHS have come together to create their own pride club which helps educate people on the importance of the queer community and their contribution to society. 

Cici Tran and Percy Hill, co-presidents of the pride club, along with Officers Emma Chan and Tia Yang, have formed an educational and social club that has become a safe space for many of the club members and allies alike. 

“In the pride club, our main priority is to educate people on the minority groups at LT,” Hill said. “Although we are mainly based around the LGBTQ+ community, we’re completely fine with covering other minority topics.” 

While talking with club member Valerie Barillo about their experience while being in the club, they mentioned that many of the students involved have left each meeting with good experiences and memories.

“I made a couple of new friends while being in the club,” Barillo said. “I understood that we can be comfortable in our own space.” 

Lastly, when asked about what the pride club represented to the students, there were a variety of responses, yet, majority of them mentioned that the club is a safe environment for them to feel comfortable in their own skin and feel connected with their peers. 

“It represents, to me, a comfortable space, because sometimes parents really aren’t as comfortable with your sexuality and who you are as a person,” Barillo said. “These other people who understand you and it just makes you feel safe.” 

Currently, the pride club is setting dates for meetings but for now the remind code is available for anyone to join: hhg87b