Everything You Need To Know About Red Ribbon Week
October 23-31 the Student Council will be hosting its annual Red Ribbon Week with themed dress-up days and a bingo activity for a chance to win a free cookie cake.
“We have celebrated Red Ribbon Week each year,” Student Council President Arvind Subramanian said. ”We focus on engaging the entire student body through informational activities and theme dress-ups.”
Red Ribbon Week’s themed dress up days include: Monday – Future’s too bright: wear neon and shades, Tuesday – Team up against drugs: wear a team jersey, Wednesday – Peace out to drugs: wear 70’s themed clothes, Thursday – Scare off Drugs: wear a Halloween costume, and Friday – Wake up drug-free: wear pajamas.
“One of the most exciting things I have done during ‘Red Ribbon Week’ is coming to school with pajamas because normally you would get dress coded if you came in that, but on that day you could just walk casually in the hallways and nobody would say anything,” freshman Aishani Arungenesh said.
The Student Council will also be hosting a bingo activity. The winner receives a cookie cake. Students can get a bingo sheet from the front office or Mrs. Heckes’ room (D254). Student must turn in the completed bingo sheet by the end of the school day on October 31 for a chance to win.
”Throughout the week there will be red balloons lined up along the academic and main hallways. Next to each balloon, there will facts regarding Red Ribbon Week that helps students with the bingo sheet, “ President Subramanian said.“We encourage everyone to participate.”
Red Ribbon Week is meant to raise student’s awareness towards drug and alcohol abuse as well as violence over the country while spreading the message to live drug-free.
“Red Ribbon Week helps student set a foundational base and information regarding drug and alcohol misuse,” school nurse Beth Evans said.
In addition to learning about drug awareness, students are able to create connections with their peers through the themed activities.
” I believe that having a large body of students participate in the week-long awareness program allows the students to establish connections with their peers while also understand that they are not alone in their journey to future goals, and avoiding drugs is essential to getting there.,“ freshmen Akshitha Venkataraman said.
Nurse Evans said if students needs any help regarding drug and alcohol abuse they should always contact the school nurse, or counselor to seek help and ask for support.
“Through this activity, we hope to not only raise awareness on our campus but ultimately a sense of vigilance,” Submaranian said,” Some of the facts are really eye-opening and we hope that some students can gain bits of knowledge as they embark on their journey towards college.”
As the editor-in-chief of Vanguard News for the 2022-2023 school year, Katy Zhang is a creative and responsible individual that strives to deliver timely...