Mid-Summer Jersey

Here at LTHS, our amazing Theater Production class is performing Ken Ludwig’s Midsummer Jersey. The show will be shown on October 18 and 19 from 7pm to 8pm. The final two shows are on the 20th, from 1pm and one at 7pm.
The play Midsummer Jersey takes place in the 2008-2011s. It’s an hilarious high-octane re-telling of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream set on the boardwalk of a seaside town in modern-day New Jersey.
The story revolves around the impending marriage of the Governor of New Jersey, the love affairs of four beach-bound high school crushes, a lively crew of fairies and the staff of the local beauty salon.
The night takes a magical turn when Oberon and the impish Puck arrive on the scene armed with a powerful love potion and a desire for mischief making.
With several weddings and the acting careers of six beauticians hanging in the balance, the lovers take to the boardwalk, backed by pop music and an iPhone-obsessed wood sprite.
The actors are looking forward for another great show as they scramble to piece each scenes together and becoming show ready.
“I am looking forward to performing the show and making everyone in the audience filled with laughter.” said Christina Emanuel as Nikki Bottom/
Sunshine/ Phyllis Trait.
“I am very excite to have the opportunity to do scenes with my friends whom I haven’t really done scenes in a show with before.” said Zachary Widner as Lyle
Our production students are so excited to perform this play for our school. So stop by on October 18, 19 or 20th to see Midsummer Jersey live in action by our theater production students.

Jasmin Khan is a sophomore and is entering her second year as a Vanguard Staff. Jasmin Khan is the Director of Writing this year and is looking forward...