See The CTE

Biannually the Career and Technical Education Center (CTE Center) holds an interactive open house for students to come and see what there is to offer when it comes to different classes that can be taken there. The next one will be on Thursday, February 1st from 5:00 to 6:00 PM. While many students may have taken a tour of the CTE Center in middle school in preparation of high school, many are new to Frisco ISD or have forgotten what is offered at the CTE Center.
The CTE Center, with even its own principal, is almost like another school, and offers in-depth classes specific to different careers and interests of students. Students from all over Frisco ISD can be bussed to and from the CTE Center periodically for classes not offered at their own high school. The types of classes are very diverse, and the upcoming open house on February 1st explains it all.
For more information on CTE classes as the time comes to sign up for the next school year’s courses, go to the open house at the CTE Center, see the course catalog on the Frisco ISD website, or see the counselors. However, you can’t wait for the open house to choose your classes for the 2018 to 2019 school year, as course cards are due to the counseling center by Thursday, January 25th.

Holly Hatcher is a sophomore joining Vanguard TV for a second time. She also happens to be the Main News Writer for the Lebanon Trail’s broadcast team....