Quizzical About Tests

Students all around Frisco ISD are getting ready to take their end of course exams (EOC). This testing is required for the state to regulate how much students have learned over the school year in their classes.
As the school year begins to come to a close with only 11 weeks left until summer, EOC’s are getting closer as well. The first upcoming one is the English EOC on Tuesday, March 28th. Make-ups for the exam will be on the 29th and the 30th of March. The following day on the 31st is the mock EOC for algebra students. Finally on May 2nd and 3rd, the EOC’s for algebra and biology will occur with make-ups on the 4th and 5th.
Many students are upset over the tests. Zack Bernius remarked that it gives him “crippling depression, because so much stress is building up.” Some are more optimistic about it, but still “feel stressed” as Megan Mha stated.
A survey was to be filled out by students to determine what they would eat for lunch during the English EOC. There were a few options for lunches, but there was also an option to bring lunch from home. Remember to bring lunch on March 28th if that is preferable over the options provided.

Holly Hatcher is a sophomore joining Vanguard TV for a second time. She also happens to be the Main News Writer for the Lebanon Trail’s broadcast team....