The End (of 9th Grade) Is Near
With the second semester under way, the time to register for classes has come. The end of the school year will come quickly, taking the class of 2020 to 10th grade. From January 24th to Monday, January 30th, at 4:30 PM, students can make requests for classes in the Home Access Center (HAC).
Upon logging into HAC, click on the “Classes” tab. Under “Career Plan,” access to past class requests is available. Anyone can change the requests he or she made by clicking “Enter Requests Grade [10th, 11th, or 12th]” and choosing the option to edit for anything needing change. When finished, simply clicking “Add to Requests” saves the changes.
Many students were shocked by what they had previously entered during the 8th grade, rushing to update the requests. One LTHS student said, “The more I update my requests, the more difficult it gets to choose.” Excited, but hesitant about choosing classes, she continued, “There are just too many courses and not enough time.”
Remember to take into account the required credits for graduation, and to complete this before the afternoon of January 30th. Meetings about high school plans will take place on February 7th and 8th during social studies class periods. A guide to all available courses can be found on the Frisco ISD website.

Holly Hatcher is a sophomore joining Vanguard TV for a second time. She also happens to be the Main News Writer for the Lebanon Trail’s broadcast team....