Balancing School and Life


With homework every day, textbook reading, sports, and extracurriculars, the transition into high school is often one of the most difficult parts of a student’s life. Being able to balance good grades and keeping up with having a decent social life creates immense stress amongst teenagers, but there are ways that can make the transition easier, and eventually create a healthy and enjoyable high school experience.

Senior Bryce Gillian has been in band all four years of high school, and he was accepted into the National Honor Society as a junior. Gillian said he has spent a majority of his high school life figuring out what was the best way for him to maximize his time, and it was making sure to decrease his procrastination. 

“Always focus on getting schoolwork done first. Don’t try to put off school work after activities because you’ll forget about it,” Gillian said. 

Yet, school work is just one part of the struggles of high school. Socializing is essential to keep stress levels low, and Gillian said for him it was being able to talk to his friends.

“Hanging with friends is essential to be happy in school,” Gillian said. “It helps to not feel so overwhelmed because everyone understands and tries to help you to remember to have fun.”

Junior Anandi Jaaj is also extremely busy and had a hard time adjusting to life in high school. Being a part of National Honor Society, Student Council, DECA, and HOSA, Jaaj tries to manage her schedule the best she can.

“It’s hard to balance school and extracurriculars, but getting a planner and keeping it up to date is my best advice,” Jaaj said. “It helps to stay on top of all activities and deadlines.”

Since Jaaj is involved in so many extracurriculars, she said for her it’s essential to be able to make friends with the people that are involved in the same things as you. 

“Talk to people in your classes and make friends with the people you’re in clubs with. It’s the best way to know the people around you and to make the best out of your high school experience,”Jaaj said.

Jillian Schattle, AP World History and  AP European History teacher, teaches sophomores, juniors, and seniors at LT and said that time management is the best advice she can give to her students.

“Learning to manage your time early is key,” Schattle said. “Don’t wait till last minute to do your homework, have a planner to be able to see your week in advance, and see what you can get done at school versus at home.”

While Schattle’s AP courses take a lot of work, she said her students must still be able to enjoy their high school experience.

“Find something you enjoy doing and do it a few times a week to keep your life balanced,” Schattle said. “You must be able to understand your limits. You must work hard, but have fun too.”