The Last Day of School is a Half Day


The last day of school is on June 2nd, and it won’t be just an ordinary day for Trail Blazers. Following a four-day weekend at the end of May, consisting of a bad weather make-up day on May 26th and Memorial Day on May 29th, there will be a three-and-a-half-day week.

For Frisco elementary and middle schools, students’ last week of school will be four days long. For high schools, however, including Lebanon Trail, the last day of school will be a half-day, resulting in an even shorter week.

Due to senior graduation festivities, high schools around the school district have to end school early on June 2nd. Though Lebanon Trail has no graduating class for 2017, the school will participate in this early release.

School will end at 12:05 PM, right as second period ends. Remember to make sure someone is available to pick you up from school at that time, and that lunch will not be provided for students.